Scripture Reading - Exodus 13:21-22 KJV

21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:
22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

In the Old Testament the Lord God started training the Children of Israel in two primary areas. 1) One was to know His Word by understanding "His Voice" and the other one 2) was how to be led by His Spirit which was demonstrated with the physical picture of “The Cloud by day & The Fire by night”. As long as the children of Israel followed that specific “Cloud” hovering directly over their camp and they followed that specific “Fire” above their camp they experienced peace and protection. Their willingness to be led by these two witnesses showed God their openness to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit. We notice that they could look closely at the leadership example of Moses but their full attention was supposed to be on “The Cloud or The Fire” because two never appeared at the same time. God’s direction is never two-sided but rather He is always one clear choice to follow. Yes, “The Cloud” led them by day with the instruction of Moses when the Sun gave them light, while “The Fire” also led them by night if they needed to move in the midst of darkness. This “Cloud of God” directly over their camp provided them shelter from the scorching Sun because they were not always walking near treed or shaded areas. Likewise the “Fire of God” provided them light during the night and heat to protect them from the coldness of the elements. The Lord desired to send a sign to His people that as long as you follow Me under the guidance of My Minister (Moses – the man of God) I will ultimately protect you. Under the protection of God the children of Israel could not be defeated, nor could they be harmed or intimidated. This was proven by the successful defeat of the Egyptian army and it was also proven by the consistent victory over the other nations that tried to stop them from fulfilling God’s Will. We know when God is for us and we obey His direction in unison with His Ministers (Leaders) no one can successfully stand against us. However, on the contrary, if we rebel against His guidance and His anointed (appointed) leader judgments of troubles await us. This picture of the Old Testament saints serves as a reminder that under the New Covenant we have the “Fire of God” within us as the Person of the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. Whether it is keeping us warm with perfect sleep or abiding calmly and comfortably upon us during the day as the “Cloud of God” we must follow His guidance. Yes, the refreshing “Cloud of the Holy Spirit” will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one when we stay under the protection of His Grace. So don’t be fooled by running away from the storms of life in fear but rather remain under “The Cloud and The Fire of God” in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Remember neither “the Cloud nor the Fire” will hurt you but leaving the protection of their Presence will be counteractive to your safety. We know the believer needs God’s guidance and protection so follow the leading of “the Cloud and the Fire” as you look within to submit to God’s Presence in the Person of Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. Amen!